VAMT witnesses COMAC's C919 first flight in Shanghai on May 5 2017, marking a historical event  for China's civil aviation industry. 

VAMT with its suppliers, Otto Fuchs, Weber Metals, AMAG, Zollern and Alu Unna supplies high performance metals made from aluminium and titanium for COMAC's ARJ21 and C919 civil aviation programs!

Day 1 @ The Zhuhai Airshow 2016

The first day at the Zhuhai Airshow 2016 has been busy with plenty of discussions with a number of key customers from China. 

The team! 

The team! 

Thanks to great support from all of our principals we have again a complete presence of German, Austrian and US high quality performance and competence to demonstrate! 

China's wide body future - COMAC's twin aisle development 

China's wide body future - COMAC's twin aisle development 

Setting up at the Zhuhai Airshow 2016

Final set-up and at the VAMT booth for the 2016 Zhuhai Airshow starting tomorrow! 

High performance FORGINGS and extrusions

High performance FORGINGS and extrusions

Come and visit us and meet the team of Otto Fuchs Aerospace Group

Thank you Ferdinand, Katy and Joanne for the go preparation work to organize the booth set up! 

Thank you Ferdinand, Katy and Joanne for the go preparation work to organize the booth set up! 

@vamt find: AMAG, ALUnna, ZOLLERN and the Otto Fuchs Aerospace Group (Otto Fuchs & Weber Metals)  

@vamt find: AMAG, ALUnna, ZOLLERN and the Otto Fuchs Aerospace Group (Otto Fuchs & Weber Metals)